It’s been a minute since I last wrote something just to share it with myself. With AI coming into our lives, it has started feeling like there is no original thought anymore and everyone just seems to be in a rush to be popular and make the next new thing with it.
I am no exception. For the last few weeks I have also dug deep into this never-ending hole of what is possible with Artificial Intelligence, and I must say it does have its merits in terms of speeding up the way work is done. It’s the perfect sounding board, but I also feel that sometimes we rely too much on it and that’s kinda unhealthy. It’s like any relationship you have, if the give and take is one-sided, the relationship is bound to become toxic sooner or later.
Speaking of relationships, my attempt to write something here every day is a part of recultivating my relationship with my intelligence and self. I don’t know if it will be a blog a day, a week, a month or a year. Or maybe I won’t come back here ever again. I think not coming back here would be kind of unfair to me. I am actually liking this right now. The emptiness of the screen around me, the words popping up in this nice font as I click away on the keyboard. It is super relaxing, I can see why so many people like this. And you know what’s the best part? I don’t have to share this space with anyone. This one is just for me and for someone who may randomly stumble upon this someday, but honestly, I am not looking forward to that.
It’s funny how my brain is getting used to developing thing with AI and the thought that someday this collection of things would be fed into a model which would be able to think like me. It’s both scary and fascinating to think about. The world is upgrading so quickly on all fronts that I sometimes feel that I am being left behind and it would probably be extremely difficult to catch up to it. My work in the last five years has been in a very different space and although it was somewhat tech-oriented and I did pick up a bunch of auxiliary skills, I am inclined to believe that maybe staying in tech could have been better.
Being constantly in the loop is so exhausting, the FOMO definitely is real and I feel life would be so much better if I just called quits and got away from the the world. Maybe disappear into the mountains or get myself a nice little spot by the beach and learn to enjoy my time in the real (probably, because AI has me questioning everything) world. Just unplugging and relaxing for eternity sounds like heaven. Funny enough, it feels pretty close to heaven even when I am trying to build things. Maybe the ever-increasing aspirations of a capitalist mindset make you believe at a very core level that acquiring more things is also a valid path to happiness.
I guess there is no write or wrong about how we do things. As long as the net entropy increases with our existence the universe would probably be okay with it. In a way, capitalism is extremely positive entropically. That’s why it is easy to grow.
On a different tanget, I think the 4 sects of Hinduism kinda describe the 4 paths that people may find happiness on
The Brahmins find it in their quest for knowledge and spirituality.
The Kshatriyas find it in amassing worldly power and control.
The Vaishyas find it acquiring wealth and riches.
The Shudras find it in their work or craft.
I think all of us are a combination of all these sects now and we find happiness in a combination of these things.
Funny, how this post started about AI and is now considering the social structure and the psychology behind it.
This is definitely an edgy and imaginative one. True to the name 😀
Until next time
– Self